Monday, August 30, 2010

painting day three.

Well, day three of using a brush. Week three of the project as a whole. Another kick ass day. I opened my blinds at 10 and Dana was parked in my driveway. Hurried and made some coffee in a mug and got to work. I put her to work painting the secondary trim colour (sandy hook green) under the rafter tails and got to work caulking and spackling the last bit of the porch that Trevor had so spectacularly primed the day before. We won't mention the part about me leaving her stranded on the roof (hey I will never quite understand why a climber is so petrified of a ladder even though she tried explaining it to me and it sort of made sense but still) for a while yelling to me from the back of the house but I couldn't hear though the neighbors were probably getting a kick out of her situation. Her cries for help must have been drowned out by the chick a block away screaming bloody 'CAR WASH!' the entire flippin' morning. But then my trusty iPod radio put the kibosh on that crap. And I rescued Dana from the roof. Eventually. Then we started painting the front of the house.

Trevor showed up around 1ish I think it was. No worries. After a few minutes of trying to pick up where Dana had left off he confessed he was better at putting paint on large blank sections of wood rather than more detailed work. So he and Dana switched places so he was rolling and I was brushing behind him. And after a few minutes he promptly fired me and said he could do it on his own. Or he politely suggested that I follow a bit behind doing touch-up cutting in around all the trim. Ha no worries I enjoy the detailed painting and he rocked it on the north and west sides of the house.

After a few hours as the evening went on his zest tapered off and he fessed up he wanted to, you know, spend some time with his family this weekend. That guy was incredible. With a wave of my hand I dismissed him to his side of the fence and picked up where he left off. Dana had finished the trim she was working on under the porch and wandered back to help me do the last bit of the back of the house.

I finished with a headlamp maybe ten minutes after it had gotten too dark to see. Not bad. Not bad at all. Another awesome day with a ton of progress thanks all to a couple of awesome friends.


Pulling off the fabulous lamp that will find it's way (BS description and all) onto Ebay. It's totally original afterall. And fell from the ceiling to the porch floor (uhh, oops) and didn't shatter. They certainly do not make ugly lamps like they did back in the 20s. And that copy is totally going in the ad BTW.

My trusty and most awesome paint bucket.

A shot before taking Dana's opinion and cutting up all along the side face of the trim with the house paint rather than leaving it white like this. I was going for the relief of the trim from the siding but with it cut in like she thought would look better it was a cleaner line. She was right. Sigh.

A fine mess of empty paint cans. And flowers.

Painting underneath the porch. My porch is going to rock when this is all finished. I am even getting a porch swing as I have previously mentioned in an earlier post or two.

And sometime in the afternoon before I had cut in along all the trim on the front of the house.

Getting there. Just detail and trim work left. Albeit a lot of that but I enjoy that stuff. Painting really is quite relaxing - music on and just get into a groove. Good times. There are a couple of cedar shakes above the porch cos I was testing the espresso oil stain I bought. And the lattice still needs to be painted of course. Oh, and yeah I should probably actually build the stairs I have in pieces in the garage. I cannot believe it is almost September.

Where did the summer go .... ?

1 comment:

  1. ok,"rescue" might be a bit of a strong word. unless you were talking about rescuing your maple tree. cos you have no idea how close i was to climbing down it. much more stable than that 2 ounce ladder!
    my favorite bit of this summary: "she was right. sigh." for some reason it kills you :o)
