Sunday, October 31, 2010


So I have been enjoying the Mac Mini as A/V hub. I figured out a few things that bugged me -
  • How to control the Mini (running 10.6.x) via my Powerbook (running 10.4.11) - had to install a VNC client (I used Chicken of the VNC) on the Powerbook but OS X (from 10.4 and onward) has included the VNC server configuration built-in - just have to enable it (albeit differently for the different OS versions) in the System Prefs
  • How to fit the screen of the Mini to my 42" LG - turns out you have to disable 'Overscan' in the Display Prefs and change the LG's resolution to 'Just Scan' instead of 16:9
  • Fiddled w/ the Mac OS DVD Player app to get it tuned up to play DVDs (trying to rid myself essentially of everything besides the Mini and my receiver) - I'm not sure it's up to par with a stand-alone DVD but I haven't done a comparison yet - just my initial thought
Oh, and I also finally went through the process of doing the configuration of the surround (I had manually set it up a while ago) - using the supplied mic I attached to myself and let my Pioneer receiver run through its thing (it calls 'MCACC') to determine the ambient room volume, speaker types, distances from me, each other, etc. etc. etc. It did make a pretty big difference - an improvement - over having manually set the distances and speaker sizes. Sweet.

So I kicked back -

Then went to test out running the VNC client -

(which I subsequently set up on all my other Macs - especially nice for the G4 server I have running with all of our music on it).

The speakers I bought when I was in high school (after doing months of research, making a test CD and bringing it to various places to listen with on different speakers to which I had narrowed down the search) are still cranking out awesome sound. It was fun cranking some stuff on them through the Mini. And I messed with all the different surround options on the receiver - sounds awesome, too.

Ah - good times. Trouble is now I won't have much to put in that Gator case I was going to get ...

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