Sunday, August 25, 2013

shelf [part two... and done].

So today - with rain in the forecast (i.e. no skiing at Rainier) my backup plan was to finish this shelf (so I can move on to the next project... for which I have quite the list going but nothing narrowed down - though I'd love to build something else... ).

That meant having to dado all the joints... so off I went clamping the jig to each piece and being careful to route on the correct side of my line (thankfully I only screwed up once - on a small piece for which I had enough scrap to recut)...

Eventually after a couple of hours I had a nice pile of dadoed wood...

And then... time to start putting this 6'x4' puzzle together! I figured building it lying down would be easiest - and so I quickly had the first half done glued and drying...

I realized at some point though it was gonna be hard to get this thing into the basement and that... maybe I should build it with screws instead of glue so it can be disassembled for easier transport. But it did pretty much go together like a puzzle - fit the right pieces together in the right order and BAM! Done!

With hooks on the end for ice axes and poles and such...

And a cubby for tents...

Then let the bin organization begin... (!)

I am stupid-excited to get this stuff finally organized properly. I don't know exactly how much the jig cost to build (probably $20-30) and the plywood was $35/sheet x 3 sheets. Not terrible for a custom randomized shelf.

And maybe the coolest part... it's modular!

Meaning if more room is needed I can build a top section (just 2' tall to make it a cool 6'x6' cube) that will line up with the four vertical ends - they can be stuck together with dowels even. Yeah... maybe I'll get started on the add-on right away hehe...

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